Figure 1 shows the conceptual block diagram of KJCC. There are several VLBI data playbacks which will be used in our combined VLBI network, such as Mark5B, VERA2000, OCTADISK and optical fiber which shall be connected in near future. Some of them have the VSI-H compatible interface, but the others take the different interface for the data transmission. And they have also their own maximum data recording/playing back rates respectively. To absorb all of these differences and in homogeneity among these existing VLBI data playback systems, the Raw VLBI Data Buffer (RVDB) was introduced, which is a big data server with many large RAID disks and several kind of VLBI data interfaces. The VLBI Correlation Subsystem (VCS) shall receive the VLBI data from the RVDB system, shall calculate the correlation between the every possible pairs of data inputs with proper control parameters given from the monitor and control operation computer, and then shall dump the correlation results into the data archive system. Data archive system, is also a kind of data server, which is used to capture the correlated data output from the VCS and to save them as a structured file system. Finally there is also the correlator control and operation software for overall system.
KVN is now using the Mark5B system for recording and playback the observed data. KASI participated in Mark5B development with Haystack Observatory as a member of international consortium. It can support the VSI compatible and RAID-based HDD storage system. Recording and playing back speed is 1024 Mbps. DIR2000 is widely used in VERA for recording and playback with 1024 Mbps. Recently the manufacturer of DIR2000 had been stopped to manufacture, so NAOJ developed new playing back system named VERA2000, which is modified by DIR1000H system for only supporting playing back.
RVDB system, which is developed by NAOJ, consists of Data Input Output (DIO)(currently named OCTAVIA), 10 GbE switch, and Disk Data Buffer (DDB)(currently named OCTADDB). It is able to record the data with maximum 2048 Mbps, and can play back the observed data to the correlator with nominal 2048 Mbps. So, it has a function such as 2048 Mbps recorder and playback at the same time. As shown in Figure 1, the different types of playback systems are used in KJCC. So, the purpose of the RVDB system is that it is able to adjust the data format and easily synchronize the data during playback and maintain the buffering between recorder speed and correlation speed.
The main specification of VCS is described in Table 1. The VCS has a capability to process the total 120 cross-correlation and 16 auto-correlation intended for maximum 16 stations, maximum 8192 Mbps (4-streams x 1 Gsps/2-bit/64 MHz clock) input data rates per station. The design architecture for correlator is FX-based and it will use the variable length of FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to maintain the 0.05 km/sec resolution of velocity at 22 GHz. The maximum delay is +-36,000 km and maximum fringe tracking is 1.075 kHz. The number of frequency channel per correlation output is 8,192.
# of antennas | 16 |
# of inputs/antenna | 4 bands(4Fx1P, 2Fx2P, 1Fx2P+2Fx1P) |
Max. # of corr./input | 120 cross + 16 auto |
Sub-array | 2 case(12+4, 8+8) |
Bandwidth | 512 MHz |
Sampling, Digitization | 1 Gsps by 2bit/sample |
Maximum data rate/antenna | 2 Gbps VSI-H(32parallels, 64 MHz clock |
Maximum delay compensation | +-36,000km |
Maximum fringe tracking | 1.075 kHz |
Design architecture | FX-type with FPGA |
FFT word length | 16+16 bits fixed point for real, imaginary |
Inegration time | 25.6 msec~10.24 sec |
Data output channels | 8192 channels |
Data output rate | Maximum 1.4GB/sec at 25.6msec integration time |
The basic architecture is a CPU cluster connected with infiniband. For KVN and KJJVN, the first phase data archive system with about 119TB capacity has been implemented. It has 4 10 Gbit Ethernet input port to connect with VCS output and 1 10 GbE Ethernet port is connected with data file system for sharing the disk with each other. We have a plan to increase the system capacity for support the EAVN in near future. CODA file system is used in data archive system for making the file system from correlated raw data, which is revised with Ccoda 2.0 library used in Mitaka FX correlator with some modification. New CODA files system based on the Ccoda 2.1 library was installed. Figure 2 shows the view of Daejeon Correlator installed at Korea-Japan Correlation Center (KJCC) located in KASI, Daejeon, Korea.
KJCC is currently able to support the following correlation mode.
KJCC will support the following correlation mode until 2013.
KJCC will basically support following frequency channel for preparing FITS file.
KJCC will deliver FITS file to PI by using FTP server or USB memory or mobile disk.
KJCC will organize the archiving policy for observation data, CODA and FITS file as below.
Correlation processing will be currently took about 2 weeks for preparing 1st version of FITS. However KJCC will do our best to make correlation as fast as possible to deliver FITS file to PI.
In order to verify the performance of Daejeon correlator, data analysis was conducted to understand the related problems and to attempt to solve them. For the comparison KJCC, Mitaka FX and DiFX correlator were used for data correlation. Some problems were found by comparing by each analysis result. Observation experiments were listed in Table 2. We confirmed that results of KJCC had consistent and correct value. Here we will summarize the results for R11027B and K11017A.
Procedure of data analysis was performed as below. And the same parameter was used for all correlation result during analysis. Analysis for spectral-line was adopted with following procedure, but analysis for continuum was excluded for 9 and 10 stages.
Experiment | Object | Source | Recorder | Comparison correlator |
R11027B | KJCC evaluation | Continuum, Spectral line | DIR2K, Mark5B | MTK FX, DiFX |
R11026A | Long time phase monitoring | Continuum | DIR1K, DIR2K, Mark5B | MTK FX |
K11017A | 2 frequency simultaneous observation | Continuum | Mark5B | DiFX |
K12098C | 4 frequency simultaneous observation | Continuum | Mark5B | DiFX |
Figure 3 shows the spectrum shape after completion of FITLD, MSORT, USUBA and INDXR task based on FITS file generated by KJCC and DiFX. Source is 3C454.3 for continuum with Yonsei and Ulsan baseline. Phase for all of 16 IF are continuously changed. The phase slope for DiFX is lower than KJCC, but we think this is caused by adopting the clock-offset precisely while DiFX correlation. After fringe fitting, these values will be deleted and there is no serious problem in current phase slope.
We looked into the variation of GAIN for each source for whole observation time after ACCOR. And then in figure 4, gain amplitude was continuously stable for source with long time integration. But in case of source with short integration time, the gain amplitude pattern for KJCC was unstable for time range(between 22:00 and 03:00 for SgrA, Sgr2M) compared with DiFX. This phenomenon was appeared in only KVN station, this is caused with data synchronization while playing back. This phenomenon only occurred beginning of scan about 2~4sec, and the other time range is stable. We recommended the continuous recording of Mark5B while observation.
Figure 5 shows the SNR, Delay and Rate for each baseline, respectively. The reference was set as Ulsan station. Integration time for fringe fitting is 30sec, SNR cutoff is 3. We used 3C454.3 which is very strong radio source in continuum sources and phase pattern is clearly remarkable. For comparison with DiFX, all of the patterns for each result are almost similar without any problems.
By using previous fringe fitting result, Closure phase for 3C454.3 were obtained and showed in figure 6. We confirmed that closure phase was existed within about 5 degree by calculating with variation of phase for whole observation time and by integrating 50~64 channels value of 1st IF for both KJCC and DiFX.
Figure 7 shows the spectrum shape after fringe fitting. We draw again the spectrum in order to check phase residual by adopting the value of delay, rate after fringe fitting. For more detail comparison, the range of phase was enlarged to 10 degree and only 8 IFs were shown. Phase residual for spectrum of KJCC and DiFX was almost same with 0 value.
New result file was generated with averaging all IFs, all channels, and whole observation time for tables of 3C454.3 source by using SPLIT task. The 2-dimensional image map was generated using new result file and is shown in figure 8. In figure 8, only KVN 3 stations were used for comparison to DiFX. Flux for KJCC is 0.75 Jy/beam, which is less than about 12% compared with 0.84 Jy/beam of DiFX, but the dynamic range is almost same value.
In addition, we plotted the visibility with 1-dimension at UV for confirmation as shown in figure 9. Figure 9 also shows the same result except the difference of flux both 0.75 Jy of KJCC and 0.84 Jy of DiFX as plotted in above 2-dimensional map.
This experiment is to evaluate the performance of 2 frequency simultaneous observation and correlated in November 2012. 8 IF was assigned for 22 and 43 GHz respectively and we will report only 8 IFs for 22 GHz. We looked into the spectrum shape of POSSM after FITLD, MSORT, USUBA and INDXR task. The source is NRAO530, which is strong continuum source and shown in figure 10 for Yonsei-Ulsan baseline. Phase of 8 IFs is continuously changed.
We looked into the Gain amplitude variation of each source for whole observation time after ACCOR as shown in figure 11. KJCC and DiFX had same pattern. This observation was conducted for long time with NRAO150 source, so the loss of 2~4sec at beginning of scan was not affected in correlation result.
Figure 12 shows the SNR, Delay and Rate for each baseline, respectively. The reference was set as Ulsan station. Integration time for fringe fitting is 30sec, SNR cutoff is 3. We used 3C454.3 which is very strong radio source in continuum sources and phase pattern is clearly remarkable. For comparison with DiFX, all of the patterns for each result are almost similar without any problems.
By using previous fringe fitting result, Closure phase for NARO150 were obtained and showed in figure 13. We confirmed that closure phase was about 5 degree by calculating with variation of phase for whole observation time and by integrating 20~109 channels value of 1st IF for both KJCC and DiFX.
We draw again the spectrum in order to check phase residual by adopting the value of delay, rate after fringe fitting as shown in figure 14. For more detail comparison, the range of phase was enlarged to 10 degree and only 8 IFs were shown. Phase residual for spectrum of KJCC and DiFX was almost same. And in order to compare the flux, amplitude calibration was also applied. We confirmed that flux of KJCC has about 10% lower flux than DiFX as described in R11027B experimental result.
UV coverage or UV plot methods are widely used to confirm how much made up for the UV during observation of NRAO150 source. UV plot is very useful to understand the flux distribution and structure of source. Figure 15 shows the UV coverage and UV plot for KJCC correlation result. From pattern of UV plot, we could understand that NRAO150 source is the bright spot with flat in KVN only baseline(less than about 30Mlambda).
New result file was generated with averaging all IFs, all channels, and whole observation time for tables of 3C454.3 source by using SPLIT task. And then 2-dimensional map was plotted using new result file as shown in figure 16. Flux for KJCC is 6.34 Jy/beam, which is less than about 10% compared with 6.83 Jy/beam of DiFX, but the dynamic range is almost same value.
We confirmed the spectrum shape of POSSM task after completion through FITLD, MSORT, USUBA and INDXR tasks by separating only 9 IF of maser source in R11027B FITS file as shown in figure 17. The used maser source is SgrB2M, which shows strong emission line of H3O of 22 GHz. In case of 9th IF, we conducted the comparison work for 3 kinds of correlator such as KJCC, MTK and DiFX. As you can see in figure 17, the entire spectrum shape look like almost same aspect, but KJCC has phase concentration in 0 degree at the beginning of bandwidth because of DC-like component. These DC-like component and phase concentration are currently disappeared.
Spectral-line observation such as maser source is occurred the signal at very limited channel(within 10channels) per one maser spot. Therefore we should firstly apply the clock-offset compensation by performing the global fringe fitting according to the bright calibrator source because it is difficult to get the delay in narrow frequency range. In this case, 3C345 source was used for global fringe fitting and figure 18 shows the delay calculated by setting the reference as Tamna station. KJCC and MTK had almost same pattern of delay, because same delay parameter was used for correlation. In case of DiFX, it has more small delay value, and we think that this was caused by applying the more detail clock-offset compensation during correlation of DiFX. In figure 18, the delay of correlation result looks good without any problem.
Fringe fitting was again conducted for maser source by applying the delay value obtained after global fringe fitting. Although fringe fitting for continuum was done in accordance with entire channel, fringe fitting for spectral-line was done with only one channel which has peak value. In this figure, 197th channel has strong flux, so the fringe fitting was done with this channel. Figure 19 shows the variation of SNR of maser source for each station based on Tamna station. KJCC, MTK, and DiFX had almost same SNR and variation pattern also look like same.
In VLBI observation, the Dopper effect such as the earth rotation or revolution is being affected at each station. Therefore, Dopper effect should be compensated at the data analysis stage. CVEL command of AIPS is used for the Dopper effect compensation. Amplitude calibration was also performed so as to convert power level to real flux value for each station. The results were shown in figure 20. The Dopper effect was successfully compensated for FITS file of 3 correlation result. The unit for each result is Jy unit.
It is very simple way to confirm the UV coverage in order to know how UV was filled with during observation of SgrB2M maser source. It is helpful to know the structure and distribution of flux of source as UV-distance. Figure 21 shows the UV coverage and UV plot of KJCC correlation result. From pattern of UV plot, SgrB2M has the structure of Gaussian distribution at KVN+VERA 7 stations, and it looks like the bright spot with flat in KVN only baseline(less than about 30Mlambda).
We conducted the imaging work with special channel using maser source as well as continuum source. In case of data processing stage for spectral-line, BPASS and CVEL task were additionally done. The result file was generated by applying result tables for SgrB2M using SPLIT task. For comparison with DiFX, data for only KVN 3 stations was plotted in the same way of continuum source as shown in figure 22. Flux density for KJCC is about 10% lower than DiFX, but dynamic range is almost same.
In case of maser source, maser spots are existed with several tens and thousands in the uniform range. In general, imaging of maser source is performed as follows. Firstly we found each peak channel as refer to spectrum, and then the position of whole maser spots as indicated. Finally 2-dimensional distribution map is plotted. In this experiment, in order to reproduce image, the position was obtained by imaging for several maser spot, and then we confirmed whether the position of maser spot for DiFX result was consistent or not. We conducted the multi channel imaging work as shown in figure 23 so as to find the maser position, and confirmed that the maser spot for 264th, 269th, 274th, 280th, and 284th channel was detected.
Figure 24 shows the 2-dimension map of maser spot for KJCC and DiFX, respectively. Bottom figure was overlapped with both KJCC and DiFX. The position error of KJCC and DiFX is less than 0.2 milli-arcsecond, this means that two map are mostly consistent as synthesized beam size with 2% level of 10 milli-arcsecond. Upper figure shows the overlapped map for more understanding step aside.